Friday, April 22, 2011

"Good Friday" Pad Thai

Vegan Pad Thai

Finished product - close up
Thanks to being let out early from work, I had some time to make a nice meal for David and myself.  Above are some pictures of our Pad Thai lunch - the recipe came from my Skinny Bitch in the Kitch cookbook.  I was going to type up the recipe for everyone, but I found it on this website:  (time saver!)
According to the site, the recipe makes 4.5 servings.  I think together we ate about 4 of those servings.  It was really delicious so I'm happy to share the recipe with you. =) Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. im going to make this for me and my mom! (now that im living at home, i am the master chef for the family) and i have recently decided to go primarily vegan due to some recent health issues, which has me eating SUPER HEALTHY! yeah!
